Tooth Sensitivity
How many times have you avoided that cold drink due to tooth sensitivity? Also called dentin hypersensitivity, it is a condition that can’t be ignored, but you can learn how to deal with it by making some changes to your oral care routine.
Causes of Tooth Sensitivity
We are exposed to tooth sensitivity when the enamel layer covering your teeth is destroyed, due to several reasons one can be brushing with a toothbrush that is not gentle on the gums. Over time, the enamel layer weakens, and extreme temperatures begin to affect the nerves in your jawbone. Therefore, it is best to use a gentle toothbrush, and do not forget to brush your teeth carefully.
Acidic foods such as tomatoes, lemon, grapefruit, kiwi, and pickled cucumbers cause tooth pain if the nerves are exposed. It is best to avoid these foods.
Dental problems such as gum inflammation, dental plaque, cavities, or even some surgeries. All of which increase tooth sensitivity. Tooth sensitivity caused by any dental surgery will end once the procedure is complete. Yet, for various periodontal diseases, decay, and dental plaque, all of these require long-term care, beginning with oral hygiene and following an oral hygiene routine.
Symptoms of Sensitive Teeth
Symptoms of teeth grinding during the night may be very subtle. When waking up, some people feel pressure, discomfort and pain in the jaw. They often complain of a headache all day long, and as these symptoms are usually ignored, teeth grinding at night continues to damage your teeth.
Teeth grinding (Bruxism) is one of the ways the body responds to pressure, and if it is not treated properly, it leads to significant tooth sensitivity. Damage occurs slowly over time: The grinding leads to small cracks in the tooth enamel, and eventually, the cementum which is a soft layer coving your roots, which once lost leaves the dentin of the root exposed, making your teeth vulnerable to hot and cold temperatures.
If you have doubts that you are grinding your teeth, check with your dentist who may recommend using a night guard, helping you and your teeth to sleep peacefully.
Sensitivity Prevention
How to Prevent Tooth Sensitivity?
Use toothpaste that contains fluoride. Fluoride helps the enamel of the tooth to repair itself.
Avoid acidic drinks and foods as much as possible because acidic foods attack the enamel layer.
Consult a dentist regularly for checkup and teeth cleaning.
Use a daily mouthwash to eliminate hidden, hard-to-reach food particles, which your toothbrush might miss.
Can Teeth Grinding Cause Tooth Sensitivity?
No matter how well you treat your teeth throughout the day, there is a common condition that can harm your teeth during the night: teeth grinding. You may not be aware that you are doing this, but you may be surprised to learn the symptoms.