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Gum Protection

Is Gum Disease Common?

If you’re concerned about possible gum issues, you’re not alone. Millions of adults have some type of gum disease, yet many of us are unaware. You may find it surprising that one in four adults globally has some type of gum disease, whether it’s at a mild, moderate or severe stage.

Gum Disease: It’s Not Just One Thing

The term gum disease, or, in more medical terms, periodontitis, does not just refer to one condition, symptom or treatment. It refers to a whole series of symptoms and stages, from mild symptoms of red and swollen gums, and more obvious signals like bleeding gums, to more serious issues like periodontitis, where gums recede and pockets form. If ignored, the situation can result in more serious damage that destroys teeth, gums and tissue.

Is Gum Disease Preventable?

The good news is that this progression, from the lighter symptoms of irritated, inflamed gums to the more serious formation of pockets, doesn’t happen overnight, and at each new stage of progression there is a chance to improve your gum health and protect and preserve your teeth.

Is Gum Disease Reversible?

The more aware we are of the earliest signs of gum troubles, the sooner we can address them and improve our oral health regimen to get back to a healthier, fresher and cleaner mouth. If your gums are bleeding and you continue to ignore the signs, eventually gum disease can have serious consequences, such as losing your teeth.

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