Oral Health Routine for a Great Smile

Have you ever been in a situation where you were afraid to smile, and reveal yellow teeth or emit bad breath? You are not alone. A majority of adults are unhappy with their current smile. This stems from the belief that a smile is a very important social asset. A good smile makes you more attractive, more relaxed, and allows you to push the boundaries of what is possible.

Which begs the question – what makes people smile with unabashed confidence? One answer is that they are not afraid. Confident people can boldly flash their pearly whites, breaking down barriers, and more often than not, getting what they want.

Confidence is crucial to success. Confident people not only push the boundaries at work, they also have thriving social lives, and are generally liked and trusted. And the road to gaining this confidence does not have to be hard.

Smiling is a good start. Smiling not only makes you feel good, but also spreads happiness to those you meet. This routine will set you on your way towards a great smile:


Talk to your dentist about any special conditions you might have, and the way in which your medical/health conditions affect your teeth or oral health. Find out if any areas need extra attention, and give it.


Brush your teeth for 2 minutes, spending an equal amount of time (30 seconds) in each quadrant of your mouth. Brush all surfaces, twice a day.


Floss your teeth at least once a day, and make sure you get those pesky little nooks and crannies at the back as well.


Swish a generous amount of mouthwash after brushing, to get rid of all the hidden bacteria in your teeth and on the tongue. Antibacterial mouthwash reduces bacteria that cause plaque and gum disease by 99%, leaving you clean and healthy.


Use a tongue cleaner, although a brush and floss would also do. Clean as far back as you can without gagging, to make sure nothing is left behind.


Fluoride strengthens developing teeth in children, and prevents tooth decay in both children and adults. Fluoride levels in tap water though may not be high enough to prevent tooth decay. A toothpaste and mouthwash that contains fluoride will fill in that gap.


Make sure your diet includes a variety of foods, with lower levels of sugar and starch. Acidic foods can harm the enamel in your teeth, and calcium-rich foods can strengthen them.


The standard recommendation is to visit your dentist twice a year for check-ups and cleanings. Talk with your dentist about the frequency that is best for you, and familiarise yourself with your own needs.

And finally, wear your smile like a fashion statement. Embrace it, and boldly show it off every chance you get.