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Lifestyles That Lead To Bad Breath

When a regular routine of brushing, flossing and rinsing isn’t enough to combat your bad breath, it could be time to ask yourself some tough questions regarding your lifestyle and habits.

How’s Your Diet?

Sugary foods are, and should be recognized as, an obvious problem. The natural bacteria in your mouth absolutely love turning sweet treats into scary smells. Acidic foods can weaken enamel, making your teeth susceptible to both infection and bad breath. High-fat and high-protein foods don’t always digest well, a fact that’s made apparent by the sulfurous gases they tend to release when they don’t metabolize. You should also think twice about cutting carbohydrates. Without them your body starts breaking down other fats and proteins for energy, producing an odorous breath that isn’t fresh. Your best bet: aim for a balanced, healthy diet with adequate amounts of fruits and veggies like pineapple, kiwi and leafy greens.

Are You Stressed?

Believe it or not, anxiety can do more than make your palms sweat and your heart pound. All those panicked breaths can also dry out your mouth and make the aroma coming out of it something to worry about. Fasting can also affect your digestion by starving your stomach of enzymes. Without them, any undigested food that isn’t broken down releases odors that find their way into your mouth.

Are You Coffee Crazy?

Coffee may be your morning treat, but the caffeine in coffee reduces saliva production in your mouth. Less saliva means an increase in bad breath-causing bacteria. It also means any food particles that may linger from your last meal start to break down inside your mouth. Your best option is to brush, floss and rinse afterward.